Finding your way back after business failure

Finding your way back after business failure

What Are Asbestos Inspections?

Brittany Washington

Although banned in Australia since 2003, asbestos had been present in most types of building material since the late 1880s and had been extensively used in all types of construction, both domestic and commercial since that date.

The dangers of asbestos became clear many years ago, and any building that still contains it poses a potential risk, potentially fatal, to anyone who inhabits or works in such a building.

Widespread use of asbestos.

When asbestos first started being used, it was regarded as being hugely beneficial as it helped to prevent fires in wooden buildings that had previously proved very combustible. Its use grew and before long it was being used in much every type of construction project that was being undertaken and was seen as an ideal material for building homes.

It was also used extensively in the mining industry, manufacturing industry, and all types of vehicle production and affected workers in many other industries, such as railway workers, plumbers, boilermakers and shipbuilders.

Anyone involved in current asbestos inspections needs to understand its widespread use, and how it came to be recognised as highly dangerous.

The dangers of asbestos

Anyone who breathed in asbestos dust for any period of their life was or is at risk of contracting fatal lung diseases, the most common one being asbestosis, although it is also a major factor in many other deadly conditions.

The fact that asbestos is still present in so many buildings and homes makes it a potential death risk for anyone who breathes in any asbestos dust in any one of these places. This could apply to someone who lives in a home or someone who works in any type of office or other building where asbestos is present.

The real danger of asbestos is when it is released into the air, which is most likely to happen during construction or renovation work, or when any type of home renovation is being considered.

It is crucial that an inspection and testing for asbestos is carried out before any work is carried out, so that appropriate safety measures can be put in place, and the relevant authorities notified well in advance.

Asbestos inspections.

There are many specialist firms who both inspect and remove asbestos if it is found, safely and securely. They will also dispose of it following government guidelines. These specialist firms need to be licensed by the local authority, and they need to have relevant insurance policies in place.

If there is any suspicion that asbestos may be present in any type of premises, industrial, commercial or residential, then an inspection and appropriate testing need to be done as soon as possible.

This can involve the stripping out of all buildings or sections of buildings, removal of tiles, floors, concrete and the demolition of part of a building if necessary.

There can be a significant risk to homeowners who may be considering some type of renovation or home extension. The Australian government strongly recommends that a professional firm of asbestos inspectors are employed to inspect and remove any potential asbestos, rather than the homeowner themselves.

For more information, contact asbestos inspection services near you.


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Finding your way back after business failure

Many businesses fail and it can be scary for business owners to deal with failure. However many successful business owners have failed businesses before they find business success in a subsequent business. This blog has some stories of serial business investors who have managed to find business success after unsuccessful businesses. Sometimes failure can one of the best ways to learn about how to operate a business and what to do, as well as what not to do, can help to work out how to successfully run a business in the future. This blog has some tips for people wanting to learn from business failure to build robust businesses.
